Impressum - How to contact us -
Finding our clinic in Berlin
Place of courses and trainings

The Kinesiologieschule is founded and run by Mandiro Ordyniak.

For questions for example

you can call us by phone  ++49  (0) 30 - 791 1641
               or via eMail:       Mail schicken .

Emails without ADRESS / PHONE-Number will be answered only in a short way.
For more detailed information please phone us.

All courses and indiviual sessions are happening (if not otherwise described)
at the following adress:
Stubenrauchstr. 22,  
D 12161 Berlin-Friedenau  

How can you reach to our clinic and course room ?

The place of our courses and trainings can be reached easyly by the public transportation system in Berlin

The Kinesiologieschule lies outside /south to Environment zone , so if you are arriving from the south of Berlin or through the highway (Stadtautobahn) you can stay outside the environment zone (Umweltzone).

Impressum: Responsible for this website is Mandiro Ordyniak,
Stubenrauchstr. 22, 1216 Berlin,
Fon  ++49  (0) 30 - 791 1641,  eMail:  Mail schicken

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Disciplines in Kinesiology

Additional Infos

